Hey my lovely sisters and handsome brothers, I hope everyting is ok. Welcome to my blog! 🌟✨ I'm so excited to be sharing my thoughts and insights on 21st-century learning and its significance for language learning for my Instructional Technologies and Material Design course. As a teacher candidate, I've been exploring the amazing world of technology integration in the English classroom. It's mind-blowing how technology can transform language learning, making it more engaging, interactive, and relevant to the real world. In this era, where technology is everywhere, it's crucial for us as educators to embrace it and leverage its power to enhance our teaching. So, through my blog, I'll be reflecting on my little experiences and opinions as a teacher candidate, sharing tips, strategies, and resources on how to effectively integrate technology in the English classroom. Let's embark on this exciting journey together and discover the endless possibilities that technology brings to language learning! 🌍📚


Again, welcome to my blog. Today, I will talk about a few of my humble thoughts about the exciting world of 21st-century learning and its impact on language education. As a teacher candidate passionate about integrating technology into the English classroom, I believe that the way we teach and learn has evolved significantly in recent years. In the 21st- century, learning goes beyond traditional textbooks. It encompasses digital literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, 21st century learning is  about adapting to the modern world and using technology to enhance education and prepare students for the skills they'll need in the future.

 In language learning, it's super important because technology provides endless resources and opportunities. It makes learning more engaging, interactive, and accessible. As a teacher candidate, I believe technology integration in the English classroom is crucial. It allows students to practice language skills in real-world contexts, connect with native speakers, and access authentic materials. No matter what information students are looking for, there is a library full of information right at their fingertips.  Language is a dynamic and ever-changing form of communication, and technology allows students to engage with authentic language materials, connect with speakers of the target language, and practice their skills in real-world contexts.

 Technology integration in the English classroom not only increases student engagement and interaction but also gets them ready for the demands of the modern world. We can accommodate a variety of learning styles, provide more individualised learning experiences, and encourage student creativity and innovation by utilising digital resources.


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