Hello my precious followers of my blog! 🥰🥰 

Again and again, I am here in front of you! I hope you are having a nice day. Mine was a little tiring; how were yours? Let’s meet in the comments 🤗

 I want to start my words with a German sentence,my dears, “alles liebe!" Last week, I prepared a post for you for my instructional technologies and material design in an English language lesson, which my dear teacher Gökçe Kurt asked us to, in which I instilled my ideas about “21st century learning.” Today I have prepared a small post about a topic – which I think is very current, my dear followers. I know you are wondering, and I’ll tell you without further ado, our topic today is plagiarism. But I will use infographics when talking about plagiarism. 

Firstly, in case you do not know, let me explain what infographic: In recent years, infographics have gained popularity as a potent and adaptable method for visual communication. It is a method of presenting facts or information visually, usually as a chart, graph, or diagram, with the goal of making complicated ideas understandable and easy to understand.

When I first heard that we were going to make an infographic, it didn't seem very fun because I had never experienced it before.  But the site I used (canva) had a lot of options and all of them consisted of lively content. Frankly, while making my infographic, I had a hard time expressing what was in my mind on the screen.  Because I was new to it, I didn't know the opportunities.  But when it is learned properly, it will definitely contribute to the lesson, especially for students with high visual intelligence and younger students.

I think infographics can significantly enhance the learning experience in the English classroom. Infographics accommodate a variety of learning preferences and styles by combining text, images, and graphics to convey information. This multimodal approach makes a subject more approachable and inclusive for all students by accommodating a variety of learners and offering numerous points of entry for comprehension. Additionally, as teacher candidates, we can create a more dynamic and interactive learning environment that encourages deeper knowledge and active involvement among students by adding infographics into lesson plans and assignments.
This was just to extend the topic a bit :) now we can come to our main topic: namely plagiarism - the problem of academic life. 

I have used Canva to create these infographics :)


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