Hello my sweet followers 🥰🥰

It felt incredible to meet you again on my blog after a short break. I hope everything is alright. I have designed blog content on many topics for you so far and we are slowly coming close to the end. Let me briefly explain our task for this week: collaborative writing. Together with my friends Pelin and Nisa, we made a review of the movie "Divergent" using a page of Google documents. 

In this process, we worked together and gathered necessary informations for our readers about the movie to give some insights before watching. All of us focused on different aspects, one of us- setting, characters analysis, plot analysis, another- plot summary etc while watching the movie before writing out. Then we blend our insights into the movie on the page from Google documents. It was a very entertaining process for me because I like watching movies and commenting on them.

 We can write in a truly interactive way using the Google documents application, and this really helps us save time. It is also an application that is really easy to use and does not require any effort. In practice, many people can work on a single file and the teacher sees exactly who wrote what. I think it is an application that should be used in classes. For instance, a collaborative story writing activity that I can do with my students comes to my mind now: I will create a page from the application, I will divide the class into groups, write the beginning of the story, and then every week, a group will advance that story by approximately 100 words. Then students in the class will make comments and some recommendations on the language and plot used in the story.

 I left below a few screenshots from our project as an example for you about how the page and the comments will appear.




Grammar and spelling analysis will also be done on the part written each week, and at the end of the semester, we will read the entire story together as a class. In this way, we will create a product interactively as a class. It will be a lot of fun 🤭☺️ Of course, the topic on which we will write interactive writing topic will change for my older students. For example, every week a group will write about the topic they want. Every week we will analyze that topic in English. My goal is for my students to use their English skills in a subject they are interested in. I indulged in dreams again 😛. 
That's all I wanted to tell you for today. You can use the Google documents application wherever you want, for any purpose you want. I left the link of our Google documents page link.

I hope my point of view added something new to you. I wish you a day where you will feel happy and peaceful!! 


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