Hello all!

The topic on which I will share my ideas today is very appropriate for the era in which we live: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

As a language learner, AI tools have significantly enhanced my experience by providing instant feedback, personalised learning paths, and access to vast resources. AI tools offer personalised practice, significantly aiding vocabulary acquisition and grammar understanding. For instance, chatbots and language apps can simulate conversations, providing a low-pressure environment to practice speaking skills. 

 Integrating AI tools into the classroom can streamline administrative tasks and provide tailored learning experiences. AI-driven assessments can identify students' strengths and weaknesses, enabling more focused and effective teaching. They also help the teacher save time in grading writing assignments. Additionally, they can help track student progress, tailor lessons to individual needs, and free up time for more interactive and creative classroom activities. AI can provide supplementary practice outside of class, reinforcing concepts and promoting autonomous learning. Nevertheless, over-reliance on AI might reduce human interaction, which is crucial for language learning, and might not fully address the emotional and motivational aspects of teaching. 


There are not many issues that I have difficulty with when using AI tools because, in general, it has a simple page structure, as if I were entering any blog. Just when giving a prompt, it is necessary to explain the main points in detail and carefully. But since there are so many options in some tools, I sometimes get lost in them and waste time. Frankly, this makes me nervous.

If there is one thing that I will definitely implement when I become a teacher in the future, it is that I will ensure that the topics I will teach are videotaped with the AI application in a fun and appropriate way for the grade level. This really caught my attention, and I think it will increase my students' interest in the course. Additionally, the instant feedback feature will help me save time. I will definitely use it to evaluate writing assignments. But, of course, in a systematic way. I will also lead my students to produce content using AI and the English language. I will interact with technology teachers, and their teachers will tell them about one of the most important AI tools, and next week I will give them the necessary instructions and ask them to produce content on a topic they want. Of course, I have many projects in mind. For example, I now think that we can do a project with my students using AI tools together with the e-twinning group at schools. I think this is a very logical idea. And if the project has content that can be exhibited at school, it will be a horizon-expanding step for other students. But like every technological innovation, relying too much on these tools may fall short of meeting the emotional and interaction needs of my students.

In conclusion, while AI tools present remarkable opportunities for enhancing language learning and teaching, they should complement, not replace, the human elements that are vital to education. The advantages of AI tools include instant feedback, personalised learning paths, access to vast resources, tailored learning experiences, and helping save time in grading writing assignments. However, the drawbacks include potential technical issues, the risk of reduced human touch in teaching, and the need for ongoing training to effectively use these tools. Balancing AI integration with traditional methods is key to maximising its benefits in language education.


I've talked about AI tools this much. Now, I wouldn't feel comfortable if I didn't convey one of my AI assignments to you, my precious followers. This week, we were asked to interview a historical figure, author, or story character using Magic School's Character Chatbot. We were then asked to report this interview and upload the report to Magic School's Writing Feedback Tool, review it according to the feedback we received there, and correct the necessary areas. I chose to interview Atatürk, the founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey. Because his view of the world suits me so much, and he is a truly inspiring person. I left the link to the file below so you can see the process and learn more about the interview. I wish you all a happy reading. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.



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